PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Торакоабдоминальной хирургии

В отделении осуществляется хирургическое лечение пациентов с доброкачественными и злокачественными опухолями торакальной и абдоминальной локализации.

Выполняются расширенные, комбинированные и органосохраняющие операции при раке и доброкачественных опухолях легких, злокачественных и доброкачественных новообразованиях пищевода, желудка и средостения. Основная масса оперативных вмешательств выполняется из малоинвазивных (торакоскопического и лапароскопического) доступов.

Superior rooms in the MCSC: cozy as at home

In the new medical and diagnostic complex MCSC named after A.S. Loginov, superior comfort wards are provided for the most demanding patients. The interior of the rooms is close to the home environment: light colors, cozy curtains on the windows, furniture made of environmentally friendly materials and painted in neutral colors. All wards are equipped with the highest level of comfort – multifunctional beds with electric drive, medical staff call buttons, air conditioning and ventilation system, shower and toilet, TV and kitchenette. There are wards with one or two rooms to choose from. In the two-room ward there is a separate space where you can organize a workplace or a rest area for accompanying the patient. There is a comfortable folding sofa, an armchair and a table with chairs. The ward has two private bathrooms, which are equipped with everything you need. Comfortable conditions of stay, a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, as well as the care and constant...


Allahverdiev Arif Kerimovich

Allahverdiev Arif Kerimovich


Head of department

Торакоабдоминальной хирургии

Diseases directory

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD