Healthcare of the city of Moscow. Contacts.

Reference phone numbers for questions in the field of healthcare in the city of Moscow.

Ø Moscow City Health Department +7 (495) 777-77-77

Ø Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation +7 (495) 627-24-00

Ø Moscow City Fund of OMS +7 (495) 952-93-21

Ø Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow +7 (495) 623-10-20

Ø Department of Roszdravnadzor for the city of Moscow and the Moscow region +7 (495) 611-47-74

Ø Department of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of Moscow +7 (495) 687-40-35

Ø FKU Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the city of Moscow +7 (495) 916-03-09

Ø Unified Information Service of the city of Moscow (including on the availability and quality of free medical care) 8 (495) 777-77-77

Ø Reference service for drug supply +7 (495) 974-63-65. Opening hours: Mon – - Sat. from 8: 00 to 20: 00, Sun. - weekends

Ø Reference service for the application of prices for medicines included in the list of essential and essential medicines +7 (495) 531-69-89. Opening hours: Mon – - Thu. from 9: 00 to 17: 45, Fri. from 9: 00 to 16: 30, except public holidays (lunch break: 13: 30-14: 00)

Ø Vaccination Information Service +7 (499) 194-27-74

Ø Doctor on duty at the A. S. Puchkov Ambulance Station +7 (495) 620-42-33 or 103-Medical advisory panel (doctor on duty) 8 (495) 620-42-25 or 103 – Pediatrician on duty

Ø Certificate of hospitalization of patients +7 (495) 620-41-40

Ø Operational and Administrative Service of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow +7 (499) 251-83-00 (around the clock)

Ø Depending on the place of residence, you can also contact the reference phone numbers of the Directorate for Coordination of Medical Organizations of the Moscow Department of Health and the Directorate for Ensuring the Activities of State Health Institutions of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts Directorate for Coordination of Medical Organizations +7 (495) 318-00-11

Departments by district:

VAO: +7 (495) 368-04-12

CJSC: +7 (495) 439-44-02

CAO: +7 (495) 946-11-00; 8 (495) 946-11-09

SVAO: +7 (495) 610-65-20

SAA: +7 (499) 198-55-10 SAA: 8 (495) 318-47-71

SEAO: +7 (495) 530-12-76 SEAO: 8 (499) 125-62-00

CAO: +7 (495) 951-67-65 ZelAO: +7 (499) 734-11-91; +7 (499) 731-90-03

Ø Directorate for Ensuring the Activities of State Health Institutions of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts +7 (499) 347-06-16; opening hours: around the clock


City electronic services and services on the official website (portal) Mayor of Moscow SECTION "SERVICES AND SERVICES" ON MOS.RU.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD