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Your Appointment

The doctors of our Center conduct only face-to-face consultations in the personal presence of the patient. Correspondence admission to the MCSC is not performed.

A face-to-face meeting with a doctor provides a detailed explanation of what is happening to you that is unusual, what bothers you, what prevents you from living a normal life. The specialist carefully studies the materials of previous examinations, methods and results of the treatment. After examining you, he will find out the symptoms or manifestations of a possible disease, specify when and as a result of which these symptoms appeared, determine whether the diagnosis was correctly made by the doctor to whom you previously applied, how effectively the treatment was carried out, etc.

If you are unable to attend a doctor's appointment or a medical examination, please inform the call center of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov.

You can cancel or reschedule a visit by using the servicePersonal account (my account), or by phone.: +7(495)304-30-39, +7(495)304-30-40. In this case, we will be able to invite patients waiting for consultation and examination, and reduce their waiting time in the queue.

Registration for a consultative appointment in the Consultative and Diagnostic Department, as well as planned hospitalization in the Center, is carried out on the basis of referrals from medical institutions of the I-II levels of outpatient care.

To get a referral to the CDO, please contact the polyclinic at your place of residence.

The list of documents required for an appointment to the consultation at the BDO of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov, please see this link.

You can find the electronic schedule of work of the doctors of the MCSC at this link.

Monday-Friday: 8.00-20.00
Saturday: 9.00-15.00
Sunday: 9.00-15.00

To make an appointment with a doctor, please follow this link.


For information about admission to the MCSC, please follow this link.

Specialized medical care of our Center can be used by patients not only living in Moscow, but also from other regions of Russia.

Admission to the Consultative and Diagnostic Department is carried out on the basis of referrals from medical institutions of the I-II levels of outpatient care.

Hospitalization is possible after a preliminary consultation with a specialized specialist of the BDO, who will determine the tactics of further examination and, according to the indications, set the date of hospitalization.

Or the administration of the polyclinic at the place of residence can send medical documents to the e-mail of our Center and, according to the decision, you can agree on the date of consultation of the specialized specialist and, according to the indications, the date of hospitalization.

Please see the documents required for admission to the MCSC at this link.



GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD

Open time:
  • Mo-Fr: 08:00 − 20:00
  • Sa, Su: 09:00 − 15:00

Public transport

  • 8 Shosse Entuziastov, first carriage from the center, exit 1 to Elektrodnaya Str. (after the turnstiles exit to the right), then buses №702, №214 or №645п to “MKNTs”; Bus No T30 to “Clinical Center”;
  • 8 Perovo, last вагон из центра, exit 3 to Bratskaya Str. Маршрутка № 473к до остановки «МКНЦ»;
  • 3 Partizanskaya. Bus 211 to “Clinical Scientific Center”;
  • 3 Щелковская или Первомайская. Садитесь на автобус №645п до остановки "МКНЦ".


  • From city center: move by Shosse Entuziastov up to house 86. There is free parking near the gates.
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD