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Modern aspects of diagnosis and treatment of biliary tract pathology

Relevance: Given the high prevalence of biliary pathology, the study of the etio-pathogenetic mechanisms, clinical picture, diagnostic methods and treatment approaches is of great practical importance for both general practitioners, internists and gastroenterologists, surgeons, and ultrasound diagnostics doctors. Highly sensitive diagnostic methods allow to identify the pathology of the biliary tract in the early stages and to carry out timely treatment and prevention. 

Within the framework of the program:

  1. Study of epidemiological, etio-pathogenetic aspects, clinical picture of biliary tract pathology, complications.
  2. The study of diagnostic methods: biochemical markers, ultrasound with the determination of SPF, Endoscopic ultrasonography( EUS), duodenoscopy, MRI-cholangiography. 
  3. Differential diagnosis of cholestatic changes in the biochemical analysis of blood (choledocholithiasis, PBC, PSC, bile duct neoplasia);
  4. The principles of conservative treatment of cholelithiasis in the early stages, indications for surgical treatment are considered. During the training, algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of biliary tract pathology will be presented.  
  5. Study of hyperplastic changes in the gallbladder wall (hyperplastic cholecystosis), features of the clinical course and approaches to therapy.  
  6. Analysis of postcholecystectomy syndrome, etiology, methods of identification of the organic and functional component, principles of treatment. 

Base: day hospital of the State Medical Institution of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM

Internship Supervisor: MD.Selezneva E. Ya., Head of the Day Hospital of the State Medical Institution of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD