Modern aspects of diagnosis and treatment of functional insufficiency of the pancreas in various diseases
Relevance. One of the most multifunctional organs of the digestive system is the pancreas (pancreas). Regulation of the activity of the pancreas is normally carried out by a complex of neurohumoral mechanisms. The main late complication of chronic pancreatitis (CP) is diabetes mellitus (DM). In CP, both the secretory and endocrine parts of the pancreas are affected, which is of great importance in the violation of homeostasis. Insufficiency of endocrine function is clinically manifested in the manifestation of metabolic disorders. Damage to the acinar cells and ducts of the pancreas correlates with a violation of its endocrine function. In addition, one of the diseases of the digestive system that lead to the development of osteopenia is chronic pancreatitis, complicated by external pancreatic insufficiency.
- We will discuss the features of clinical manifestations of exocrine insufficiency depending on the stage of chronic pancreatitis and methods for detecting external secretory insufficiency.
- We will study the features of the course, diagnosis, and treatment of diabetes mellitus caused by diseases of the pancreas, that is, DM3c.
- Consider the diagnosis of disorders of bone mineral density in diseases of the pancreas.
- We will discuss the features of treatment of disorders of bone mineral density in chronic pancreatitis.
- During the training, algorithms for diagnosis and treatment will be presented.
Base: Department of Pathology of the pancreas and bile ducts of the State Medical Institution of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM.
Internship Supervisors: Bordin D. S., MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Pathology of the pancreas, bile ducts and Upper Digestive Tract of the State Medical Institution of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM, chief freelance gastroenterologist of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow.
Dubtsova E. A., MD, Head of the Department of Pathology of the pancreas and Bile ducts of the State Medical Institution of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM.
Vinokurova L. V., MD, Senior researcher of the Department of Pathology of the Pancreas and Bile Ducts of the State Medical Institution of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM.
Nikolskaya K. A., PhD, Senior researcher of the Department of Pathology of the Pancreas and Bile Ducts of the State Medical Institution of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM.