Modern aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of hematological diseases in gerontological practice

Relevance. Diseases of the blood system and secondary changes in the hemogram in various diseases of the internal organs are relevant for both hematologists and general practitioners, gerontologists. According to the WHO classification, the elderly age is considered to be 61-75 years. Senile age is 76-90 years, long-lived people are over 90 years old. In people over 60 years of age, almost all forms of blood system diseases are observed (hemoblastosis, hematopoietic depression, hemostatic disorders). The peculiarity of the course of diseases of the blood system in elderly and senile people is associated with a number of both exogenous and endogenous factors (in particular, with the peculiarities of the functioning of the immunocompetent system).

The main factors are:

  1. individual aging rates
  2. polymorbidity - the presence of several diseases at the same time

Diseases of the blood system in the elderly are often combined with chronic liver damage, chronic infections, with various solid tumor processes, with coronary heart disease.
Thus, a sufficient amount of knowledge in all sections of clinical hematology is needed to solve the issues of diagnosis and treatment of patients over 65 years of age suffering from various somatic pathologies that worsen the course of the hematological disease. Patients require an individual approach to both the dose of cytostatic drugs and the duration of antitumor treatment.

Within the framework of the doctors program:

  1. They will study an individual approach to the diagnosis of hematological diseases and secondary changes in the cellular composition of the hemogram of patients older than 60 years.
  2. They will study an individual approach to the treatment of hematological diseases and secondary changes in the cellular composition of the hemogram of patients older than 60 years.

Internship base: Department of Oncohematology of the State Medical Institution of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM.
Internship Supervisor: Pivnik A.V., Professor, MD, Head of the Department of Oncohematology, State Medical University MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD