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Genetics in oncology

Relevance: The development of molecular biology and genetics constantly clarifies and expands our understanding of the nature of malignant neoplasms.
Today, specialists in the field of oncology consider cancer as a disease caused by disorders in the genetic apparatus of the cell. Most malignancies are sporadic (multifactorial). At the same time, mutations that occur in tumor cells can serve as targets for a number of drugs, as well as be indicators of the aggressive course of the disease. From 1.5 to 20% of tumors (depending on the location) are hereditary.

As part of the course, we: 

  1. Let's talk about what is carcinogenesis, germinal and somatic mutations.
  2. Let's consider the features of medical and genetic counseling of cancer patients, the algorithm of examination of patients with suspected hereditary tumor syndromes.
  3. We will study the features of performing various molecular genetic tests (including visiting the laboratory).
  4. We will discuss changes in the biological properties of tumor cells, the mechanism of action of targeted drugs.
  5. Consider clinical examples of hereditary tumor syndromes.  
  6. We will learn how to make examination programs for patients from risk groups and their healthy relatives.

Internship base: Center for Personalized Medicine of the State Medical Institution MCSC named after A. S. Loginov.
Internship Supervisor: Lisitsa Tatyana Sergeevna, geneticist of the Center for Personalized Medicine of the State Medical Institution MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM 

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD