Modern possibilities of treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms of the breast.

Breast cancer (breast cancer) remains by far the most common cancer among women, both in developed and developing countries. In the overall structure of the incidence of malignant neoplasms in the Russian Federation, breast cancer (BC) occupies the 3rd place after lung and skin diseases. The main aspect in improving the results of treatment of breast cancer is its timely diagnosis. Detection of the tumor in the early stages, allows to achieve almost 100% of the five-year survival of patients, which corresponds to the complete curability of the disease. To date, the operation of choice for breast cancer remains radical mastectomy (RME). However, the removal of the breast is not only a physically crippling intervention, but also a severe psychological trauma that affects the subsequent adaptation of women in everyday life and in society. In order to solve these problems, in the last two decades, organ-preserving, oncoplastic and reconstructive operations have been widely introduced. Also, in recent years, there has been a change in approaches to the drug treatment of breast cancer, depending on the molecular subtype of the tumor, which requires neoadjuvant polychemotherapy at the first stage of treatment and in the initial forms of breast cancer. 

As part of the course, we:

  1. We will analyze the general principles and provisions of the diagnosis and treatment of benign neoplasms of the mammary glands.
  2. Let us analyze the general principles and provisions of the diagnosis and treatment of malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands.
  3. We will study the principles of combined and complex treatment of breast cancer. 
  4. We will discuss modern aspects of neoadjuvant and adjuvant polychemotherapy, as well as hormone therapy.
  5. We will study the main aspects and principles of surgical interventions in benign and malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands. 
  6. We will discuss the issues of organ-preserving, oncoplastic and reconstructive operations in breast cancer.
  7. Let's discuss the general principles of radiation therapy for breast cancer.
  8. We will devote time to discussions, discussion of clinical issues, tactics of postoperative management of patients and visiting the operating unit. 

The base for the internship: Oncosurgical Department of the Breast, Department of Chemotherapy, CZHZ branch No. 3 of the State Medical Institution of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM.
Internship Supervisor: Kvetenadze G. E., Head of the Breast Cancer Surgery Department of the State Medical Institution MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD