Bariatric patient in the therapist's practice (18 hours)
One of the most effective methods of treating obesity is performing bariatric surgery (BO). Their effectiveness is based on reducing the amount of food consumed (restrictive) or the surface area of the small intestine (malabsorptive). Given the large number of concomitant diseases, it is difficult to prepare such patients for safe operation, as well as the postoperative period. There is also a risk of developing complications associated with a decrease in the absorption of vitamins and trace elements in the long term. The topic of our course is the consideration of algorithms of preparation in surgery, postoperative management of such patients, as well as methods of correction of therapeutic complications.
As part of the course, we:
- Let's talk about what is obesity and consider the most common concomitant diseases (including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, acid-dependent stomach diseases).
- Let's consider the algorithm of examination of patients before surgical treatment and ways to correct some indicators.
- We will study the features of the technique of performing various bariatric operations (including visiting the operating room).
- We will discuss the change in the physiology of digestion after performing BO.
- We will learn how to make programs for postoperative examination and prevention of complications after BO.
- Let's consider clinical examples of malabsorption syndrome that occurred after various BOS and discuss the treatment.
Base for training: Center for Personalized Medicine, Center for Endocrine Surgery, Center for Bariatric Surgery of the State Medical Institution of the Moscow State Medical Center named after A. S. Loginov.
Curator of the internship: Candidate of Medical SciencesBodunova N. A., Head of the Center for Personalized Medicine of the State Medical Institution of the Moscow State Scientific Research Center named after A. S. Loginov DZM