X-ray diagnostics in bariatric surgery (18 hours)
Relevance: surgical treatment of obesity is just beginning to take its place in surgical hospitals, in this regard, the number of bariatric operations is becoming more and X-ray examination, in the early and late postoperative period, is one of the main ones in the postoperative period. The range of operations is large and continues to expand. Each operation is characterized by its own X-ray anatomy and specific complications after them.
As part of the course, we:
- We will analyze X-ray anatomy after bariatric operations, such as adjustable gastric band, longitudinal gastric resection, gastroschunt on a loop on the Ru, biliopanctreatic bypass.
- We will study the methodology of research after bariatric operations in the early and late postoperative period;
- We will study the general and specific complications after operations in the early and delayed period.
Internship base: radiological Department of the State Medical Institution of the Moscow State Scientific Research Center named after A. S. Loginov DZM
Internship Supervisors: N. V. Orlova-Head of the Radiological Department, Pavlov M. V.-radiologist of the State Medical Institution of the Moscow State Scientific Research Center named after A. S. Loginov DZM.