The system of description and processing of data of radiation examinations of the breast - BIRADS (36 hours)
Relevance: Breast cancer firmly occupies a leading position among the oncological diseases of the female population of Russia and developed countries of the world, both in terms of morbidity (20.9%) and mortality (16.7%). Along with the use of modern treatment methods, the introduction of breast cancer screening can significantly reduce mortality from breast cancer.
However, the widespread use of mammography – the main screening method, as well as additions in the form of ultrasound examination of the breast is impossible without the use of a single system of concepts and terms that can provide mutual understanding of doctors of various specialties, regardless of the level of training and scientific school. For this purpose, the American College of Radiologists has developed a System for describing and processing data from radiation studies of the breast (BIRADS).
This educational program will be useful for both novice doctors and experienced specialists involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and pathological conditions of the breast. First of all, the program addresses the use of BIRADS in mammography and ultrasound examination of the breast.
As part of the educational program, we:
- Let's analyze the epidemiology of breast cancer and the principles of organizing breast cancer screening.
- We will analyze the methodology of mammography and ultrasound examination of the breast.
- We will study in detail the principles of describing the X-ray and ultrasound picture of breast neoplasms according to the BIRADS system.
- We will pay attention to the specifics of the description of individual radiological symptoms and syndromes, for example, clusters of microcalcinates, etc., according to BIRADS.
- Let's consider the principles of making a conclusion based on the principles of BIRADS.
Internship base: "Mammological Center (Women's Health Clinic)» GBUZ MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM.
Internship Supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences A. B. Abduraimov, Deputy Director for Educational Activities.