PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Interventional methods of examination in mammology (36 hours)

Relevance of the program: the need to acquire skills in interventional diagnostic methods is associated with a high incidence of breast cancer. In recent years, in Russia, this pathology occupies a leading position in the structure of cancer incidence among the female population and is 20.8%. Moreover, it should be noted that a significant part of the cases falls on the working age of 30-59 years and is 45.8%. The effectiveness of treatment and survival depends on the stage at which the disease is detected. The survival rate in patients with the first stage is about 95%, with the second - 76%, and with the fourth-12%. The introduction of interventional methods of research into the daily practice of doctors of radiation diagnostics will improve the quality of diagnosis and help to develop an adequate treatment program for each individual patient.

As part of the course, we:

  1. Let's analyze the principles of modern R-diagnosis of breast cancer.
  2. We will focus on benign diseases that require additional invasive diagnostic methods.
  3. We will study clinical indications and contraindications, patient training and methods of conducting targeted fine-needle biopsy, ductography, pneumocystography.
  4. We will study the clinical indications and contraindications, patient preparation and the method of conducting a trepan biopsy, using a stereotactic prefix.
  5. Let's analyze the features of conducting a stereotactic biopsy on a horizontal table.

Training base: Department of Radiation Diagnostics of the branch " Mammological Center (Women's Health Clinic)» GBUZ MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM
Internship supervisor: radiologist of the highest qualification categoryArnautova Svetlana Nikolaevna

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD