Cytological diagnosis of solid and cystic formations of the pancreas (18 hours)

Relevance: Pancreatic cancer occupies the 5th place in the structure of oncological diseases. The detection of pancreatic cancer in 60% of cases occurs in stages 3-4. The mortality rate in the first year after diagnosis is more than 65%. The pancreas is difficult to diagnose due to its topographical position. Cytological diagnosis of fine-needle pancreatic punctures with endo-ultrasonography was until recently the prerogative of several large specialized centers. Now the situation is changing rapidly, equipment is being purchased, specialists are being trained. In the near future, the cytological diagnosis of pancreatic diseases will become a fairly routine study. For the cytological diagnosis of pancreatic neoplasms, a sufficient amount of knowledge in the field of gastroenterology, oncology, and clinical laboratory diagnostics is required. 
The result of training students in our cycle will be the acquisition of skills in the study and interpretation of the cytological picture of solid and cystic neoplasms of the pancreas, the acquisition of experience in the operating room with a rapid assessment of the material obtained (Rapid On Site Evaluation).

As part of the educational program, we:

  1. We will study the epidemiology, morphology, and classification of solid formations and cystic neoplasms of the pancreas.
  2. Let's analyze the methods of obtaining punctates with the features of their morphological study.
  3. Let's analyze the difficult cases in the diagnosis of solid tumors of the pancreas and cystic neoplasia of the pancreas.
  4. We will study the features of the diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis.
  5. Let's analyze the method of rapid assessment of the cellular content of the obtained material in the operating room ROSE (Rapid On Site Evaluation)

Internship base: Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory of the State Medical Institution of the Moscow State Scientific Research Center named after A. S. Loginov DZM
Internship Supervisor: head of the Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory, PhD, Noskova Karina Kadievna

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD