PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Transurethral endoscopic interventions on the lower urinary tract (36 hours).)

Category of students: doctors of medical specialties who have a higher professional education in the specialty "Urology".

Duration: 36 hours.

Form of study: full-time

Relevance: The additional professional educational program of advanced training of doctors "Transurethral endoscopic interventions on the lower urinary tract" with a period of 36 academic hours (ZET) (hereinafter referred to as the program of advanced training) was developed and implemented in the State Medical Institution of the Moscow State Medical Research Center named after A. S. Loginov DZM (hereinafter referred to as the Center) is a normative and methodological document regulating the content, organizational and methodological forms and labor intensity of training.

The program was developed on the basis of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation", in accordance with the Procedure for Organizing and Implementing Educational activities for additional professional programs, approved by Order No. 499 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of July 01, 2013.

The program is implemented on the basis of the license of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science for the implementation of educational activities.

The purpose of the professional development program: meeting educational and professional needs, ensuring that the qualifications of doctors meet the changing conditions of professional activity and the social environment, improving and obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activity and improving the professional level within the existing qualifications in the specialty "Urology".

Upon completion of the training, the doctor must be able to:

- to apply objective methods of examination of the patient to establish the main and concomitant diagnoses, to make a differential diagnosis of the main urological diseases and to justify the clinical diagnosis;

- determine the indications for outpatient or inpatient treatment based on the patient's examination data;

- evaluate the severity of the patient's condition, make a decision on the possibility and sequence of performing endoscopic diagnostic or surgical intervention, justify the most rational technique of diagnostic or surgical intervention in this disease and perform it to the required extent;

- to justify the method of anesthesia, to implement it. if it does not require the participation of an anesthesiologist;

- develop and conduct postoperative treatment taking into account the prevention and treatment of complications;

- draw up the necessary medical documentation;

- develop and conduct postoperative treatment taking into account the prevention and treatment of complications in patients;

To diagnose early and late postoperative complications of endoscopic interventions, to be able to eliminate them, including with the use of endoscopic methods;

- independently perform typical endoscopic urological operations: examination urethrocystoscopy, antegrade cystoscopy, ureteroscopy, retrograde ureteropyelography, optical urethrotomy, contact cystolithotripsy, transurethral resection of the bladder, transurethral resection of the prostate.

The advanced training program provides for on-the-job training: 17 academic hours.

Internship base: GBUZ MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM (Urology department)

Features of the internship: assistance in performing diagnostic and surgical manipulations, analysis of clinical cases with the assessment of clinical, laboratory, instrumental data, with the formulation of the diagnosis; working out the algorithm for managing patients.

Internship Supervisors:

  1. Maxim Borisovich Zingerenko, Head of the Department of Urology of the State Medical Institution of the Moscow State Medical Center named after A. S. Loginov, MD, Associate Professor.
  2. Lakhno Dmitry Alexandrovich, urologist of the Department of Urology of the State Medical Institution of the Moscow State Scientific Research Center named after A. S. Loginov, PhD.
  3. Pavlenko Kirill Alexandrovich, Head of the Laboratory of Oncourology of the State Medical Institution of the Moscow State Medical Center named after A. S. Loginov, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
  4. Gazaryan Mikhail Araratovich, urologist of the Department of Urology of the State Medical Institution of the Moscow State Medical Center named after A. S. Loginov DZM.
  5. Mirzoev Kemran Musayevich, urologist of the Department of Urology of the State Medical Institution of the Moscow State Medical Center named after A. S. Loginov DZM.

Course program


GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD