Surgical strategy for the treatment of complicated course of inflammatory bowel diseases

The modern approach to the treatment of severe diseases at the intersection of specialties requires the creation of a multidisciplinary team of specialists. Inflammatory bowel diseases belong to therapeutic-gastroenterological diseases, but the lightning speed of the development of severe surgical complications, the development of the correct algorithm of therapeutic tactics dictates the conditions for the management of these patients by specialists of two profiles – a coloproctologist and a gastroenterologist. In the last decade, the number of complications and mortality of patients with this pathology has been significantly reduced due to the creation of multidisciplinary teams for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. In the State Medical Institution of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM, the "intestinal consultation" was created – a team of specialists in radiologists, gastroenterologists, coloproctologists, nutritionists, anesthesiologists, specialists in the care of the intestinal stoma, whose work allowed to achieve significant positive results in the treatment of complicated and advanced forms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

As part of the course, we:

  1. let's analyze the etiology and pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, modern therapeutic tactics for inflammatory bowel diseases in the era of biological therapy (therapists).
  2. we will determine the strategy of surgical treatment of complicated forms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, and analyze recommendations for choosing the scope of surgical treatment for inflammatory bowel diseases.
  3. we will study in detail the technique of laparoscopic and open operations for ulcerative colitis with the formation of a small intestinal reservoir.
  4. let's analyze the perioperative management of a patient with a small intestinal reservoir
  5. we will study modern minimally invasive methods in the treatment of perianal complications in Crohn's disease-VAAFT, LIFT, FiLac, etc.
  6. we will determine the role of the intestinal consultation in the choice of treatment tactics for patients with inflammatory bowel diseases.

Internship base: MCSC MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM Coloproctology Department, Department of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM.

Internship Supervisor: acting Head of the Department of Coloproctology of the State Medical Institution MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM, Candidate of Medical SciencesDanilov M. A. 

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD