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The Second National Onco-Pulmonological Congress

The Second National Onco-Pulmonological Congress

We are waiting for you at Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel (Москва, пл. Европы, 2)

Dear colleagues, we invite you to take part inThe Second National Onco-Pulmonological Congress

Date: June 9-11, 2022

Time: 09:00 – 18:00

Official website of the event: www.oncopulm.ru

On June 9, the MCSC named after A.S. Loginov will host a pre-course on thoracic surgery, radiation therapy, invasive and endoscopic diagnostics, molecular genetics, and work at the lung cancer Competence Center.

Within the framework of the congress, participants will acquire a huge amount of knowledge and technologies that will help in real practice. Practical schools and master classes on minimally invasive, endoscopic diagnostics, surgery, and radiation therapy will be held for specialists. The best experts will share their experience and will be ready to answer questions.

We are waiting for a unique format of professional communication - sharp discussions and expert fights, where there will be an opportunity to discuss modern achievements in the field of diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer in a non-standard way. At the congress, we will reflect on the results of the last ASCO 2022 international forum and outline new ways of developing Russian science.

Within the framework of the congress, modern technologies for combating lung cancer will be presented, professional aspects of providing medical care to cancer patients will be highlighted. An interesting seminar will be held on the current conditions and possibilities of drug provision for oncological clinics and work on clinical and static groups.




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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD