Conference "Interdisciplinary approach to pregnancy planning and management"

Conference "Interdisciplinary approach to pregnancy planning and management" Target audience: генетиков, онкологов, химиотерапевтов, хирургов, специалистов по молекулярной генетике

We are waiting for you at Московская область, Одинцовский городской округ, Лапино, 1-ое Успенское шоссе, д. 111

Dear colleagues, we invite you to take part in the conference of the Moscow Society of Medical Geneticists "Interdisciplinary approach to pregnancy planning and management"

July 7, 2022 at 9:00 am

Official website -

Venue: Lapino Clinical Hospital "Mother and Child"

Address:Moscow region, Odintsovo city district, Lapino, 1st Uspenskoe highway, 111

Dear colleagues, good afternoon!

The Commission for the Evaluation of Training activities and materials for The NMO accredited the conference of the Moscow Society of Medical Geneticists "Interdisciplinary approach to pregnancy planning and management". Doctors will get 6 pointsNMO in the following specialties:

  • obstetrics and gynecology
  • genetics
  • clinical laboratory diagnostics
  • laboratory genetics
  • Neonatology
  • general medical practice (family medicine)
  • health organization and public health
  • ultrasound diagnostics


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