Conference "Interdisciplinary approach to pregnancy planning and management"
Target audience: акушерство и гинекология, генетика, клиническая лабораторная диагностика, лабораторная генетика, общая врачебная практика (семейная медицина), организация здравоохранения и общественное здоровье, ультразвуковая диагностикаWe are waiting for you at г. Москва, вн.тер. г. муниципальный округ Черемушки, Севастопольский пр-т, д.24, к. 1
—Dear colleagues,
We invite you to take part in the conference of the Moscow Society of Medical Geneticists “Interdisciplinary approach to pregnancy planning and management".
Date of the event: July 6, 2023
The event will be held offline at the MD GROUP Clinical Hospital in Sevastopol at:
- Moscow, ext.ter. G. municipal district Cheryomushki, Sevastopol ave., 24, room 1.
Pre-registration for the event is mandatory.
Official website of the event:
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