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School for outpatient doctors " Modern principles of the organization of the system of early detection and treatment of breast cancer»

School for outpatient doctors " Modern principles of the organization of the system of early detection and treatment of breast cancer» Target audience: врачей амбулаторного звена

We are waiting for you at Московский Клинический Научный Центр, ул. Новогиреевская, д.1 / Шоссе Энтузиастов, д. 86, 10 корпус, 1 этаж, конференц-зал

We invite you to participate in the School for Outpatient Doctors " Modern principles of organizing the system of early detection and treatment of breast cancer»

Check-in on site at 14: 30
The event starts at 15: 00

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD