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Endoscopic Pre-course 2020

Endoscopic Pre-course 2020 Target audience: врачей-эндоскопистов, хирургов

We are waiting for you at ул. Новогиреевская, д.1 / Шоссе Энтузиастов, д. 86, 10 корпус, 1 этаж, конференц-зал

Dear colleagues!

We are glad to invite you to the MCSC to visit the endoscopic pre-congress course "Stenting in endoscopy".

This is the fifth time the course will be held in our Center - in 2020, as part of the 46th scientific session of the CRI for Gastroenterology "Genetics in gastroenterology: opportunities and prospects".

At the meeting:

  • lectures from leading international experts and experts of the Moscow endoscopic society;
  • discussions on the most top issues of endoscopy;
  • analysis of clinical cases;
  • live broadcasts from operating rooms;
  • ability to ask experts questions. 

Date: February 26-27, 2020

Venue: Moscow, shosse Entuziastov, 86, bld.10, conference hall.

On-site registration.

All participants will receive a certificate. 

Follow the news on the website gastrosession.ru

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD