13C-urease respiratory test for the diagnosis of H. PYLORI

Mandatory list of documents for research

  • Referral (form # 057 / y) and an extract from the ICAB (form # 027/y) - if the study will be conducted in another building of the polyclinic or another MO.

Patient preparation

  • 4 weeks before the study, it is necessary to stop taking anti-biotics and bismuth preparations.
  • 2 weeks before the study, it is necessary to stop taking gastric secretion blockers - proton pump inhibitors. On the eve of the study, it is recommended to limit yourself to a light dinner.
  • Before the study, you can not eat breakfast and smoke.
  • The test should not be performed immediately after ezophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) with a biopsy.
  • Physical activity on the eve and during the test can lead to a shift in the ratio of 13S/ '2C in the exhaled air in the direction of increasing the content of the isotope 12C.


GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD