Examination by a gynecologist

  1. write down in advance the questions you would like to ask the doctor;
  2. prepare answers to the questions:

"what's bothering you?"

- do you use methods of contraception? If so, which ones?

- duration and features of the menstrual cycle

- date of last menstruation

- what are the chronic and previous diseases?

- were there any surgical interventions? If so, which ones?

- marital status

- the health status of the husband or partner

- are there any relatives with cancer in the family?

- the presence of pregnancies and their course.

3. it may be useful to read in advance about the manipulations:vaginal examination, examination in mirrors, rectal examination (for women who have never lived a sexual life), ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, Pap test (Pap test).

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD