Delivery of ready-made histological preparations

The patient has the right to receive histological preparations made in a medical institution after diagnostic biopsies and/or surgical intervention. 

Both the patient and his proxy can leave the application, but the issuance of histological preparations and copies of research protocols is carried out only the patient or his legal representative (to represent the patient's interests, a notarized power of attorney must be issued). 

How does this happen?

  • After receiving the application, the staff of the pathoanatomic Department makes a list of all histological preparations of the patient from the information system, prints out all forms of the study protocols, raises histological preparations from the archive. 
  • The doctor on duty checks the compliance of registration numbers on glasses, paraffin blocks and in research protocols, the correctness of filling out medical documentation. 
  • Administrators of the department pack the drugs before delivery, check all registration numbers again, prepare an entry in the issue log. 

Delivery of drugs is carried out on free of charge, but at the request of the patient, histological preparations can be transferred to digital format using a slide scanner for paid services. 

  • It is possible to save scans of histological preparations only on electronic patient carrier (USB storage capacity at least 10 GB). 

How to apply?

To issue histological preparations, you must contact the registry pathology department GBUZ MCSC named after A. S. Loginov dzm (Building No. 5, entrance from the consulting and diagnostic department), by submitting an application on paper (sample attached below) or by emailing it to 

Application hours:
Monday-Friday 9.00-15.30

Who can get histological preparations?
Histological preparations can only be obtained by the patient himself or his legal representative.

  • To represent the interests of the patient, it is necessary to issue a notarized power of attorney.

Term of preparation of histological preparations for delivery:

  • If the application is submitted electronically, the staff of the pathology department will agree on the date of issue of histological preparations in correspondence (the electronic mailbox is checked daily on working days). 
  • If the application is submitted on paper before 13:00, histological preparations will be issued the next business day.
  • If the application is submitted on paper after 13: 00, histological preparations can be issued on the next working day or on the 2nd working day after the application is submitted (depending on the workload of the department staff).
  • The service for digitizing histological preparations is carried out 2 working days after payment.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD