PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Daily blood pressure monitoring

Mandatory list of documents for research

  • Referral (form # 057 / y) and an extract from the ICAB (form # 027/y) -if the study will be conducted in another building of the polyclinic or another MO.
  • Data from previous studies/inpatient treatment - if available.

Patient preparation

Not required.

Information on conducting the study

  • The device will measure the patient's blood pressure by inflating the cuff worn on the shoulder and then gradually releasing air from it. Measurements are made automatically after a certain time interval. During the day it is 15 or 30 minutes, at night-30 or 60 minutes.

When conducting the study, patients should follow the following recommendations::

  • monitor the position of the cuff. The lower edge of the cuff should be above the elbow bend by 1-2 fingers. If the cuff has slipped down to the elbow, is unbuttoned, or is twisted and inflates with a "bubble" on one side, it is necessary to correct it;
  • it is necessary to stop and keep the hand, including the hand and fingers, relaxed, every time the device beeps or air is pumped into the cuff. Otherwise, this measurement may be unsuccessful and the device may repeat it after 2-3 minutes, which may lead to pain. The measurement ends when the air is completely released from the cuff. Makesure that the tube connecting the monitor to the cuff is not pinched; if the measurement causes the patient excessive discomfort or it is impossibleto ensure the immobility of the hand, press the "STOP"button. The next measurement will be performed at the specified time interval;
  • to perform an additional measurement (for example, in case of symptoms of pressure rise), press the "START" button on the front panel of the device. If the air from the cuff is not completely drained or there are signs of a malfunction of the monitor, the patient can remove the cuff, disconnectit from the device and bring the monitor to the doctor's office;
  • if there is no time display on the monitor, it means that the batteries have run out and the monitor cannot continue working. In this case, turn off the monitor and bring it to the doctor's office;
  • if the patient needs to remove the cuff for a while, be sure to disconnect it from the monitor. Otherwise, it may break;
  • during the entire day, the patient must fill in the patient's diary; in the activity column, write what he did: waking up, resting, walking, transport, watching TV, reading, eating, walking, running, climbing stairs, sleeping, waking up at night, etc., with an indicationof the time in the first column.;
  • be sure to mark the rest periods in a horizontal position during the day and specify those moments when you dozed off;
  • be sure to mark the symptoms of heart pain, headache, etc. in the column.
  • be sure to mark the medication intake, the intake of all medications in the column.

When performing an ortho-test, it is necessary to instruct the patient

  • The sample is carried out either within the first two hours after the start of monitoring, or in the evening (20-22 hours).
  • In an upright position, the patient presses the "START" button 3 times with an interval of 3 minutes between each press, while following the general rules of behavior when measuring blood pressure, it is not necessary to stand still during this entire episode of the study, but be sure to stayat the moments of measurement.
  • You need to move to the horizontal position. After 1 min. pressthe "START" button for the first time. Press the "START" button 3 times at intervals of 3 minutes. If the patient has any unpleasant sensations during the test, you need to record them in a diary.
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD