Tanning beds can cause melanoma and skin cancer


Currently, more and more countries are concerned about the problem of visiting solariums.

  • Since this procedure is carcinogenic factor which can provoke development skin cancer and melanoma.

MCSC expert, Prof. K. S. Titov analyzed data from International Studies.

Earlier specialists World Health Organization related risk development of skin cancer as a result of regular use of tanning beds only the probable.

  • However, according to the latest data, scientists promoted risk level up to maximum, taking Solaria to carcinogens of Group I - the same category as tobacco and asbestos.

«Research results it has been shown that the risk of skin melanoma increases by 75% in case a person starts use the solarium for up to 30 years",- stated in the report of experts.

  • They note that melanoma is the most dangerous kind malignant tumors of the skin, and tanning salons enjoy huge popularity, especially at young white women.

According to data published in the report Skin Cancer Statistics and Issues, people who visit the solarium up to 35 years, have 59% higher risk get sick melanoma of the skin than those who do not use it at all.

Scientists have proved that there is 20% Risk increased development of skin melanoma regardless of age the first use of a solarium.

  • The same analysis showed that the risk of developing melanoma of the skin increases approximately by 1.8% with each session of tanning.                                         
  • It is also proven that the use of tanning beds increases the risk of basal cell carcinoma (basal cell carcinoma) 1.4 times and squamous cell carcinoma 2 times, and especially high risk among people who used tanning beds up to 25 years.

As a result, it prompted the governments of many countries introduce a ban or restriction for the use of tanning beds among young people. In June 2009, the German parliament approved a law banning people from, under the age of 18, visit tanning salons.

Ban on visiting the solarium by persons under 18 years it also operates in the state of California (USA).

  • In Belgium, France and Sweden, where, according to statistics, each 4th adult resident visits the solarium, there are restrictions on maximum number of ultraviolet rays emitted Beta rays (the most dangerous component of ultraviolet) - at the level of natural solar radiation.
  • Because of this, commercial tanning beds were also prohibited since January 1, 2015 in all states and territories of Australia, except for its western part.
  • On September 16, 2016, the French senate decided to ban cabins for artificial tanning from January 1, 2017.

In Russia visiting solariums not officially banned yet however, in 2014, changes were made to Sanpin 1.2.2353-08 "carcinogenic factors and basic requirements for the Prevention of carcinogenic hazards" dated December 22, 2014, which included use of artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation to get a tan in list of carcinogenic factors.

Pay attention to your health!

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD