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Diagnosis of skin diseases. Digital video dermatoscopy


Skin cancer occupies one of the leading places among all oncological diseases.  In 2018, in Russia, non-melanoma skin tumors fell ill 78 699 human melanoma skin – 11 258. 

Nowadays, thanks to technology digital dermatoscopy (photo mapping) detection of malignant skin tumors increased 4 times for 2019  

  • With this technique, malignant skin tumors can be diagnosed at an earlier stage, which significantly improves treatment outcomes and prognosis.

This non-invasive technique with technology artificial intelligence allows you to detect indistinguishable with the naked eye, the elements of the skin and more carefully examine their structure.

Its capabilities:

  • high accuracy of diagnosis of tumor and pigmented skin lesions, contributing to the early detection of melanoma and skin cancer
  • maintaining an individual " skin passport” for dynamic observation of pigmented skin formations in order to exclude the possibility of malignant degeneration
  • accurate monitoring of treatment effectiveness

How does it work?

  • Using the device in automatic mode is carried out photography the whole body and individual areas
  • The camera does 4 pictures high resolution on each side and connects them in single image
  • The system of artificial intelligence analyzes the received images and defines zones that require diagnosis-they are analyzed by a doctor using high-precision video dermatoscope

Indications for the procedure:

  • light skin phototypes (I and II)
  • intense intermittent exposure to ultraviolet light
  • multiple pigment spots
  • dysplastic nevus syndrome
  • giant or large congenital nevi
  • any suspicious formations on the skin
  • a personal or family history of malignant skin tumors
  • any formations, including suspicious ones: heterogeneous in color, irregular shape, atypical moles, and also different from all that are on the body.
  • being at risk for melanoma (blondes with fair skin and freckles, sunburn, radiation therapy, prolonged exposure to the sun, etc.)

Digital video dermatoscopy is performed on a special device that allows the doctor:

1. perform diagnostics as accurately as possible. 

  • The videodermatoscope increases any formation – from a vessel to the smallest pigment spot. – 140 times. While most dermatoscopes give magnification 10-40 times.

2. conduct mapping 

  • With the help of this technique is carried out mapping bodies-formation maps of neoplasms of the entire body surface.

3. observe the patient in dynamics.

  • The procedure allows not only to qualitatively diagnose skin formation, but also save results each study, which makes it possible to identify the slightest change in dynamics.

How long does the examination take?

Full body mapping takes no more than 15 min. 

  • Neoplasms that the device has marked as suspicious are further examined by the doctor using a digital dermatoscope. The analysis of one element takes no more than a minute.

With what frequency should be diagnosed for the timely detection of malignant neoplasms?

  • Every six months in the presence of indications determined by the doctor. In other cases, it is recommended annual examination.

Do I need to be examined for those who are not at risk of developing melanoma?

When dark skin phototype risks get melanoma below than in light phototypes, however, this does not exclude the likelihood of developing the disease. 

  • Melanoma can occur in places visually healthy skin. In addition, in addition to melanoma, there are other types of skin cancer.

Why do we need modern digital diagnostics? 

Almost every person on the face and body has pigmented spots. 

  • On the one hand, it can be non-dangerous moles, solar, age-related lentigo and vascular elements, and on the other – harbingers malignant neoplasms.


  • Zonal photo mapping of the skin (multiple rashes; whole body) - 9500 rubles.
  • Zonal photo mapping of the skin (single rashes; one anatomical zone) - 5000 rubles.
  • Digital dermatoscopy with photofixation (1 element) - 1900 rubles.

You can sign up for the photo mapping procedure:  

  • by phone MCSC Call Center: +7 (495) 304-30-39 
  • at the reception desk at Sh. 86 entuziastov, Building 5 (consulting and diagnostic Department), 2nd floor 

The study is conducted by an oncologist-surgeon of the Department of tumors of the head and neck Gavrishchuk P. A. Mondays from 15: 00 until 16: 00, Building 5, Office 26.

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD