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Soft tissue sarcoma. Patient history of MCSC


In oncosurgical Department of skin and soft tissue tumors A. S. Loginov MCSC was approached by an 86-year-old woman complaining of pain and swelling in the left armpit.
For the first time she discovered the tumor in November 2018 and went to the doctor in the clinic. She was examined by a surgeon and sent to the District Cancer Center for a consultation with an oncologist. Mammography, ultrasound of the lymph nodes and mammary glands, computed tomography of the chest organs were performed. A preliminary diagnosis has been established – lymphangioma, an epidermal cyst of the left axillary region. Cytological examination did not establish clear data on the malignancy of the tumor.
Due to the increase in tumor size and pain, the patient was referred to the Department of skin and soft tissue tumors of the A. S. Loginov MCSC. According to the results of a deeper examination by doctors, it was confirmed malignant nature of the neoplasm and a clinical diagnosis is established – soft tissue sarcoma of the left axillary region.
Taking into account the growth of the tumor, concomitant diseases of the patient and the likelihood of the tumor sprouting into other organs, it was decided to surgically remove the tumor. The operation was carried out without complications – the tumor was removed, the integrity of the neurovascular bundle located in the immediate vicinity was preserved.
To date, the patient lives a normal life, periodically undergoing examinations with an oncologist at a local Cancer Center. Remission lasts almost 3 years, no repeated manifestations of the disease were found.
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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD