PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Conference on diagnostics and treatment of oncological and hematological diseases May 19-20


Dear colleagues!
19 and 20 May we invite you to take part in the conference: "Diagnosis and treatment of oncological and hematological diseases in HIV infection. Confident in the present - without fear in the future."

Discuss with experts:
•    Features and possibilities of providing medical care to patients with HIV, oncological and hematological diseases 
•    Oncohematological diseases in HIV infection 
•    Cancer and HIV infection 
•    Patient organizations (hematology, oncology, HIV infection)
•    Features of therapy of oncohematological diseases in the era of infectious pandemics
•    Clinical cases, etc.

Date: May 19 at 14: 00 and May 20 at 09: 00
Venue: Moscow, Lesnaya STR., 15, Hotel "Holiday Inn Lesnaya".

Software program link.

Join us!

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD