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Diagnosis and treatment of large adrenal cysts

Adrenal cysts are benign formations that are most often found in women. They are a shell filled with a liquid.

In most cases, this disease is asymptomatic.

The MCSC named after A. S. Loginov has developed a minimally invasive method for the treatment of such cysts. Treatment is carried out with the following indications:

образов the size of the formations is more than 7 cm;

▫ ️ lack of hormonal activity;

однород homogeneous structure of formations (according to computed tomography data).

More information about how the diagnosis and treatment of the disease is carried out, says a researcher at the Center for Endocrine and Metabolic Surgery of the MCSC, a surgeonNatalia Alexandrovna Malkina.

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD