PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Digital video dermatoscopic examination of the skin in the branch of the MCSC on Pavlova

Dear patients!

We are pleased to inform you that in the branch of the A. S. Loginov MCSC on Akademika Pavlova Street, patients can perform:

  • digital dermatoscopy;
  • zonal photo mapping of skin formations.

Research is carried out using a unique system that allows you to quickly, automatically and with high accuracy to identify neoplasms, track changes, document patient admission, analyze with the involvement of second opinions and artificial intelligence functions.

Diagnostic reception is carried out by an oncologist surgeon Gavrishchuk P. A. - Monday-Wednesday and Friday from 13: 30 to 17: 00.

You can sign up: 

Our branch is located at: Akademika Pavlova STR., 22 (Molodezhnaya metro station). Public transport directions are available by reference.

We are waiting for you in our clinic!

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD