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World Day of the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics

October 29-World Day of ultrasound diagnostics doctor

Today, ultrasound diagnostics is one of the most popular research methods of modern medicine.  

Being quite young, he made a real coup, providing doctors:

  • powerful
  • fast
  • safe
  • informative
  • reliable 

a tool for detecting a wide range of diseases.

The scope of ultrasound in medicine is limitless and every year new possibilities of this method open up. And, of course, the level of training and experience of a specialist is very important. It depends on him how the data will be interpreted.

Conclusions of doctors of ultrasound diagnostics contribute to the correct diagnosis. 

We congratulate our colleagues on their professional holiday and wish them success, new achievements and achievements in such an important and interesting business!   

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD