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MCSC expert conducted a master class for Karelian doctors

Elena Vladimirovna Perfenchikova, MD, Head of the MCSC Diagnostic Endoscopy Department, conducted a master class on endo-ultrasound for colleagues from the V.A. Baranov Republican Hospital in Petrozavodsk.

  • With the help of an endoscopic ultrasound machine, it is possible to find out the nature of the disease of the pancreas, biliary tract, and also take the material for a biopsy right during the study
  • This allows you to correctly determine the further tactics of the patient's treatment

Elena Vladimirovna has extensive experience in using this technology. She noted that she is always glad to have the opportunity to talk with colleagues and discuss current methods of high-tech diagnostics. 

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD