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Breast cancer: Myths you need to stop believing in

Today, breast cancer is one of the most studied oncological diseases among women.

However, the myths associated with this disease are quite common. Which ones are true and which ones are fiction?

in the program "about the most important thing" on the russia 1 tv channel, the expert of the MCSC named after a.s. loginov, head of the department of clinical mammology and reconstructive plastic surgery of the breast, oncologist-mammologist gourami kvetenadze told:

  • what factors really provoke the development of breast cancer;
  • what are the methods of disease prevention?

If you are worried about soreness, heaviness and discomfort in the chest or you have found a seal – do not panic! Immediately seek medical help from a specialist.

Make an appointment for a consultation at the mammological center "Women's Health Clinic":by phone +7 (495) 305 34 50 (OMS) / 8 (800) 234 24 22 ( PMU)

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD