Timely diagnosis: how to detect cancer at an early stage. says the MCSC expert

Today, about 4 million people suffer from oncological diseases in Russia, and about 600 thousand new cases are detected annually. At the same time, many types of cancer in recent years have begun to occur in younger people.

It is impossible to completely protect yourself and your loved ones from this disease, but there are methods of preventing cancer that can minimize the risk of their occurrence.

  • What symptoms may indicate signs of cancer?
  • What should I do to diagnose the disease in time? 

about this and many other things in the program "about the most important thing" on the russia 1 tv channel was told by the head of the chemotherapy department of the caop MCSC named after a.s. loginov, ph.d. grechukhina katerina sergeevna.

Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment!

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD