Breast cancer. MCSC patient's history
Today we are telling the story of patient Irina.
Unfortunately, at the age of 45, her mother was diagnosed with a tumor, so Irina learned about the diagnosis of breast cancer in her youth.
Knowing about her hereditary predisposition, Irina was regularly screened once a year.
In August 2020, she was admitted to the hospital with covid, which she suffered very badly. Already there, Irina noticed chest soreness and felt the seal. At the examination in January 2021, she was suspected of breast cancer.
A follow-up examination at the hospital confirmed the diagnosis, so Irina turned to the Mammological Center MCSC named after A.S. Loginov.
Under the supervision of our doctors, she underwent 6 courses of chemotherapy and targeted drugs, and in September she successfully underwent surgery.
Today Irina continues hormone therapy in our Center, feels well and full of energy.
"Thanks to the MCSC doctors, their great professionalism and sensitive human attitude, I am saved, I live and enjoy life. I have become an Equal consultant in oncology and a cancer volunteer, I help and support other girls and women who are faced with this diagnosis."