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To the 100th anniversary of the Birth of Professor A.S. Loginov

Today, February 6, marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of a great clinician, a doctor from God, a prominent physician, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Anatoly Sergeyevich Loginov.

  • Anatoly Sergeyevich devoted his life to the development of gastroenterology as an independent field of domestic medicine. A special place in his scientific work was occupied by liver disease.
  • One of the main achievements of Loginov and his colleagues is the introduction into clinical practice of instrumental methods for diagnosing diseases of the digestive system: rheography, thermal imaging, thromboelastography, echography, etc.
  • He was the first in the country to introduce laparoscopy into a therapeutic clinic as a diagnostic method for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • In 1973, he was appointed director of the Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology, where he was also the head of the Department of Chronic liver Diseases.
  • The Institute organized unique laboratories of immunology, gastrointestinal hormones, a laboratory for the study of medicines, 2 hepatological departments, a department of pancreatology, departments of therapeutic endoscopy, pathology of the biliary tract, and a department of diseases of the digestive system combined with cardiovascular pathology were created.
  • Under his leadership, the Institute became the center of gastroenterological service in Moscow and contributed to the creation of gastroenterological service in the regions.
  • A.S. Loginov and his students made a great contribution to the development of the peptic ulcer problem.
  • One of the first to study the role of Helicobacter pylori in the etiology and pathogenesis of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer in the Laboratory of Pathomorphology of TSNIIG.

In July 2013, the Moscow Clinical Research Center, named after Anatoly Sergeyevich Loginov, was established on the basis of the Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology (TSNIIG).

We are proud of our history!

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD