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MCSC expert performed six surgeries in Petrozavodsk hospital

The head of the diagnostic Endoscopy department of the MCSC named after A.S. Loginov, MD Elena Parfenchikova performed 6 operations at the Republican hospital of Petrozavodsk together with a young endoscopist Yulia Generalova, who recently completed an internship at the MCSC.

"Minimally invasive surgeries are gaining momentum. With the acquisition of experience, equipment, of course, there is a great interest in them among young people. We want to further strengthen this interest," said Elena Vladimirovna.  

The specialist is always very happy to share his experience with colleagues in Karelia and takes novice specialists to practice.

For more information, see the story of the TV channel "Russia 1".

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD