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October 16-World Anesthesia Day

October 16-World Anesthesia Day

Modern medicine is impossible to imagine without pain relief. Its history began just over 170 years ago, when doctors Morton and Warren performed an operation under ether anesthesia.

  • Today, more than 110 anesthesiologists and nurses work in the Center of Anesthesiology #MCSC.
  • They provide the operation of 17 operating rooms. 
  • In 2020, nearly 13,000 patients received anesthesia and resuscitation care.

The priority in the work is safety in the absence of pain during diagnostic and surgical interventions.

Specialists of the department conduct patients before, during and after the operation. The anaesthetic manual is developed for each individual.

We sincerely congratulate our colleagues on their professional holiday!

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD