Dissertation Council

Composition of the Dissertation Council membersList of institutions for sending out abstracts

The Dissertation Council of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov D 850.020.01 accepts doctoral and candidate theses in the following specialties for defense:

  • 14.01.17-Surgery (medical sciences),

  • 14.01.28-Gastroenterology (medical sciences). 

The Chairman of the Council is Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Igor Yevgenyevich Khatkov.

Deputy Chairman-Elena A. Sabelnikova, MD

Scientific Secretary of the Council-Oleg S. Vasnev, MD


Meetings of the Council are held at: d. Moscow, 86 Shosse Entuziastov str., 10 building, conference hall 

Coordination of the work of the Dissertation Council of the MNCC named after A. S. Loginov is carried out byScientific and Organizational Department.

Address: Moscow, Shosse Entuziastov str., 86, 10 building, office 210 

E-mail: d.sovet@mknc.ru 

Phone: +7 (916) 287-40-60

Building 10, 2nd floor, office 210

Given the complex epidemiological situation caused by covid-19, the visit is carried out by prior arrangement using the specified contact details.

Head of the Scientific and Organizational Department of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov-MD, prof. Chudnykh Sergey Mikhailovich

E-mail: d.sovet@mknc.ru

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD