PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient K.

Department of High-tech Surgery and Surgical Endoscopy In April 2017, a team of doctors consisting of highly professional surgeons Baychorov Magomed Enverovich, Ishchenko Oleg Vadimovich, under the leadership of Khatkov Igor Evgenievich, performed a multi-hour operation (GPDR) to remove a tumor in the abdominal cavity. I am sincerely grateful to the doctors who participated in the operation, as well as to the heads of the Department of VTHiHE, Roman Izrailov and Oleg Vasnev, for their professional and humane attitude to the patients. They supported me, took an active part in my recovery during the postoperative period. Thank you very much for your sensitive and attentive attitude. Thank you to the nurses in the treatment room and dressing room, as well as to one of the barmaids, whose first name I unfortunately do not remember, who is kind to all patients. I express my admiration for these doctors and the organization of work in the department of VTHiHE in general. I would like to express my special gratitude to Igor Yevgenyevich Khatkov, the Head of the Center, a Surgeon and a Person, and all this with a capital letter.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD