PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient G.

I got to the MCSC quite by accident. After a month of wandering around the clinics, I finally got a referral there. When I arrived at the reception desk, I was not surprised: a wooden building, full of people, stuffy. But all these hasty conclusions were dispelled after the doctor's appointment. I was clearly explained everything and sent to the day hospital (building 3). After collecting all the papers and tests, I was taken to the day hospital department. Then I was shocked! If you have watched TV series about medical institutions (Clinics, Interns), then the day hospital turned out to be no worse, and even better. Renovated, everything is nice, neat, smells nice. All the medical staff are very friendly, polite and neat. I fell under the wing of Natalia Shcherbakova. After a week of grueling preparations for the tests, and the tests themselves, a diagnosis was made. As soon as the course of treatment began, it became much better and all the problems began to go away. After a couple of months of wandering from doctor to doctor - in a week, the diagnosis was made in the MCSC! It is necessary to note the comprehensive professionalism of the employees of this organization. I have never seen such a careful attitude to myself! I always received detailed answers to my questions and even more. I would like to express my special gratitude to Natalia Shcherbakova and Sergey Viktorovich Belousov for the saved money, understanding and competence in their field, worthy of the highest awards, as well as for the recommendations received. After the course of treatment (about 3 months) - I feel great, the body works like clockwork. Thank you very much for answering any questions that I have to this day (I can get a detailed answer by email). Thank you again for treating your patients like this! P. S. was treated for free (MHI policy).

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD