PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

MCSC patient

I would like to wholeheartedly thank the doctors of the intensive care unit of Building 3. Unfortunately, my dear and close person passed away here after an incurable and serious illness. For 1.5 months, the angels of this department nursed my relative. The attitude towards her was like a native! I'm so amazed by this that I just can't find the words...

Always, no matter how you come, she lies clean, on the freshest linen, well-groomed as possible. They always greeted me warmly, even when they had an emergency in the department, everything was calm, friendly, with a desire to help. The atmosphere in such a difficult department is wonderful. Not a single sidelong glance, rude words, indifference, nothing happened! Only the desire to help the patient and the visitor. Doctors and nurses did everything to cure the relative, to somehow ease her condition. And it was obvious. Always come up, ask if you need anything, turn it over, lay it comfortably.

I thank the doctors Ksenia Vladimirovna and Elena Vladimirovna. They did everything they could. Thank them very much. I wish health and happiness to all these people. Be always the same angels. This is priceless in our time.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD