PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient E.

I go to see Sergey Vladimirovich once a week for about 3 months. With great delight and trepidation I write this review!

For me, this doctor has become not just a specialist who helps to understand my problems, but I would even say a friend. From the first sessions, I really felt that this is the right specialist for me, and this is despite the fact that I have been looking at doctors for quite a long time and before that I was skeptical of psychology as a science in general.

Naturally, when people are looking for a doctor, they are primarily interested in the result and comfort of the sessions. I can say with 100% probability that Kurenkov has it. Literally for 5-6 sessions, most of my most pressing problems stopped bothering me, he helped me very much to sort everything out "on the shelves". Well, as for the comfort of consultations: Sergey Vladimirovich is a very pleasant, sensitive, erudite, attentive and most importantly, a specialist who wants to help you.

I am very happy that I was lucky enough to undergo psychotherapy with him. I sincerely advise anyone who has any psychological problems to contact this specialist.

In addition, I would like to mention an interesting specialization of this doctor, namely respiratory practices. I was also very skeptical about this, but after trying the complex, which took me no more than 10 minutes a day, I felt much better: my concentration increased, I began to get better sleep, and I stopped suffering from periods of apathy. And this is all thanks to a small comlpesku, when you just need to breathe-interesting, isn't it ? :)

To sum up, I really liked the doctor, he helped me solve a lot of problems, after each session I left happy, satisfied and motivated for new achievements. Life has really become easier, I am happy with everything!!

Thank you for your attention, I hope this review will help you in the selection of your specialist, good luck to all!

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD