PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient E.

I express my gratitude to all the doctors and medical staff of the Department of Liver and Pancreatic Surgery. Special thanks to the head of the department, Ruslan Bogdanovich Alikhanov, who performed a complex and urgent operation on my daughter (since Ruslan Bogdanovich revealed the disease at the consultation, after the recommended examination) in December 2019. I was always attentive to her, despite the huge workload, every morning I went to her room, even on weekends, when she was in intensive care, supported us, directed us to the necessary examinations and tests.

Many thanks to our attending physician, a specialist in his field and a wonderful person Vankovich Andrey Nikolaevich. Andrey Nikolaevich is always attentive, gives detailed answers to all questions, always provides us with possible help, and sometimes it seems that it is impossible (especially during a pandemic, quarantine), advises after discharge, supports, directs.

I would also like to say a big thank you to Petrin Alexander Makhmadamivich. All the time that we spent in the department, and this is several hospitalizations, the doctor was in touch, helped in solving emerging issues. Honor and praise to such doctors as our doctors! Real specialists, as well as people with a capital letter, of extraordinary kindness and care for their patients. I would like to wish them good health and all the best! Thank you to every employee of the department!

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD