PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient T.

Dear friends, colleagues, Not long ago, I was forced to apply to your clinic, under the guidance of Professor Igor Yevgenyevich Khatkov, relying on his wide popularity both in Russia and abroad (specifically for me - in Germany, Switzerland, Israel). I am a general practitioner (internist), Evgeny Grigoryevich P., working since 2003 in Germany, not far from Dusseldorf in a regular German mid-level clinic with an emergency care option. There are "abdominal" surgery, general traumatology with prosthetics, proctology, hand surgery, gastroenterology, cardiology, rehabilitation, geriatrics and hemato-oncological specializations. The reason – successfully, timely and professionally identified, from my friend-classmate Sergey Evgenievich T., the kindest person from Volgograd, hypernephoma. Moreover, he was urgently examined there for another reason, namely, because of a suspected myocardial infarction. A good specialist in ultrasound diagnostics predetermined the further successful course of events. I would say the fate of this man. As they say, it is important to be in the right place at the right time! Paying attention to the excellent staff of your scientific and practical center, which was painstakingly selected by its head, a talented, enthusiastic and selfless person Khatkov Igor Evgenievich, the excellent equipment of the Center, the range of activities and the mastery of modern methods of treatment of oncopathology. I advised my friend Sergey Evgenievich should contact the Loginov Moscow Research Center for further assistance. And this recommendation to the patient turned into reality, which in itself is already a miracle. Further examination and treatment of stage 1 hypernephroma took place according to well-known standards in Europe, under the guidance of the remarkable urologist Lakhno Dmitry Alexandrovich. Optimally complete preparation of the patient, diagnosis, determination of the technique and scope of the intervention were pleasantly surprised. Everything was done quickly, neatly, and elegantly. But even more admired was the post-operative management. Paying attention to the cardiological history, my friend was placed in the intensive care unit, where he was closely supervised by your intensive care doctors and cardiologists with appropriate objective control of the condition. The further course of events is connected with well-organized work and with the personal qualities of your doctors. During the following days, the patient - a very patient person-complained of a completely insignificant shortness of breath when walking on the stairs. The supervising doctor did not miss it. Despite the fact that after the operation, the patient underwent preventive anticoagulation therapy with low-molecular-weight heparin, compression therapy of the legs, pulmonary embolism was suspected. And this is logical, against the background of the expected hypercoagulation syndrome after surgery as part of the hemostasis/repair processes, and somewhat limited mobility of the patient. The CT scan confirmed the disease, which was promptly and adequately treated. The patient was prescribed follow-up therapy, recommendations for the future were given, and a detailed medical letter was written according to my concepts. Summing up, I will say that at all stages, this case showed me that health care in Russia has revived. When I immigrated from Russia in 2002, everything was different. I am very happy with the fact that your team and each individual has motivations, competencies, opportunities and realizes itself in not simple, as before, social conditions. This proves the role, the leading role of the individual, of individuals in our not simple craft. Once again, a low collective bow, my respect for the result of your collective work, for the skill, attention, responsiveness and kindness of each of you in your particular place. Once again, I express my great gratitude and will shake hands with Professor Igor Khatkov in absentia. Keep it up! 

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD