PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient N.

Many thanks to the head of the Department of Mammology Kvetenadze Guram Gujayevich and his entire team!

She was operated on in October 2020, removing huge fibroadenomas in the left breast. With my small breasts, I thought it was impossible to avoid the scar, but, as it turned out, I was in the hands of God, the scar is not visible at all (yes, I was not mistaken!), because the resection was done closer to the halo of the nipple, and now it's just a small depression, the milk ducts are preserved, with such a large size 2-x fibroadenom could be anything, but Guram Gudzhayevich kept everything, the operation was successful.

Golden hands, sensitive attitude, positive attitude, professionalism-that's what gives hope and faith in the best! I will never forget you, I thank the Almighty for coming to you! Keep up the good work with your wonderful team to make women happy and healthy.

All the best and prosperity, good health to you!

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD