PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient N.

If you are ill, do not know or you can not establish a diagnosis. Moreover, you do not live in Moscow. And this is the main thing for further treatment... Then it is here that qualified specialists, doctors, surgeons, professors, candidates of science, who have practical skills. They will not let you go until they find the cause of the disease.

The team works as a single organism. About the selection of specialists says what a good unanimous opinion of the patients treated here. We are all different, the diagnoses are complex, in particular pancreatic cancer. But the available state-of-the-art equipment, unique operations are performed by surgeons, as they say, "hands from God". Nurses are attentive, patient, highly qualified doctors. These are not words. Such a response from the heart. All questions will be answered, there is little left where you will meet such a thing. I wanted to write about it. After going through difficulties, not knowing the diagnosis, experiencing severe pain. They helped me. Learn, read, do not stay alone with the trouble. Health to all of us! I want to express my gratitude to Bordin D. S., head of the Department. department of the pancreas, bile ducts and upper digestive tract. A careful head. department of PPJ Dubtsova E. A. Wonderful doctor Osipenko Yu. V.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD