PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient M.

I was insanely afraid of this procedure (rectosigmoscopy). For simplicity - something similar to a colonoscopy. I saw a doctor and was upset, very young and seemed to have no experience ). As a result, immediately after the procedure, there is only one wish, to say THANK YOU and express words of gratitude for everyone to see!

Thank youTo Ivan S. Kanishchev for his attention, a completely accurate and painless procedure (at the thought of which I was just ready to faint) and I consider absolute professionalism. A nurse also assisted Victoria Limonova, a wonderful person and specialist.

Now many people complain about medicine and I am no exception, but such doctors and nurses inspire confidence that everything will be fine here in the end.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD