PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient X.


Pain in my leg and the appearance of a limp forced me to go to the neurological department of the State Medical Institution of the Moscow State Medical Center. Loginova DZM.

I was surprised that at this difficult time, a planned treatment facility took on the brunt of treating patients amid the COVID-19 pandemic. I was struck by the strictest epidemiological discipline introduced by the permanent epidemiologist of the institution – By Vyacheslav Minutsevich Slezinger. For all his intelligence, his "tough" professionalism did not allow the COVID-19 epidemic to break out in the entire medical institution. I was convinced that in neurology, light floors are "scrubbed" like the deck on a Slezinger warship. Several times a day, the door handles, panels, and window sills are treated with disinfectant solutions. The staff is wearing extra disposable bathrobes. Masks, gloves on everyone. I have been around military doctors for 50 years and I understand that there are no" former " officers.

Head of the Department of NeurologyDegterev Daniil Alexandrovich managed to pick up a young team of like-minded people and lead them. A talented person is talented in everything. He has golden hands and a bright head! If such highly qualified professionals work in medicine, then we have nothing to fear. In short, its department can be called "pain resuscitation".

I can't help but mention the young doctorTo Anna Yuryevna. It is impossible to find her in the office, she approaches her patients many times, uses everything that is available in the clinic's arsenal for immediate pain relief. And her discharge epicrisis took 6 pages! I've never handled anything like this in my entire life. This may be part of her category report. Good girl, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Continues to work in the departmentMikhail Sergeyevich Sholenkov. He saved me from ONMC 10 years ago, gave me the opportunity to rehabilitate myself and I was able to work in the profession for another long 10 years. His literacy, professionalism, and kind heart helped me, as did many of his patients. Low bow to you Mikhail Sergeevich thanks from all your patients. Strength, health and happiness in your personal life, our dear doctor!

I can't ignore the heavy food processing plant. 5 times a day, I encountered barmaids who quickly, politely and carefully distributed food around the wards. Everything is hot, properly served. Good menu, delicious food. Low-calorie (porridge, casseroles, omelets) - better than at home. This is due to the correct observance of the technological process (1.5 atmospheres in the boilers) and a large amount of egg protein (splendor due to the incalculable number of oxygen bridges in omelets and cottage cheese casseroles). You can feel the professional, competent hand of the permanent nachmedAnna Vladimirovna Zhukova, who does not leave the food department without her close attention.

Of course, I shared my impressions in the family, and together we express our deep gratitude to the excellent team of the neurological department, led by Daniel Degterev, I know-the future luminary of neurology and a wonderful person. I kindly ask the management not to ignore my letter of thanks and to mark these people with an Order. All of them are worthy of it!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Health, undiminished strength and prosperity!

With deep respect, Patient X's family.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD