PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient D.

I would like to express my great gratitude to the research associate gastroenterologistVoinovan Irina Nikolaevna for the invaluable help rendered to me in preparation for resection of the head of the pancreas and duodenum, carried out in 2016, as well as further support of the disease and counseling to this day.

Thanks to Irina Nikolaevna, I learned about my diagnosis-pancreatic cancer, which I could not put the doctors in the district polyclinic, which led to an exacerbation of the disease and deterioration of my condition. Having determined the diagnosis in time and accurately, having insisted on immediate surgery, and having completely organized everything, Irina Nikolaevna saved my life. To this day, she continues to advise me, carefully monitoring all the dynamics of my health status, thereby giving me the opportunity to live a full life.

Once again, many thanks and a low bow from me and my son.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD